The Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence
announces the publishing of
a special issue on
migration and mobility of The Romanian
Journal of European Studies,
edited since 2002 at the
(PhD, Milan) is Senior researcher at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of
the University of Lugano (USI)
since February 2008 as well as Associate Fellow at the Centre for Research in
Ethnic Relations (CRER)
of the University of Warwick since March 2001. A political scientist, he has
been researching issues of international and European migration and
integration since 1997. Dr Ruspini uses a
comparative approach to migration with frequent policy and qualitative
analyses. He is an active member of some of the most important European
research networks regarding international migration and social cohesion as
well as being advisor for national and international institutions. He
combines research activities with routine lectures in a number of
universities and international institutions. Besides a significant number of
papers which he contributed to international conferences, he is also the
author of various publications on migration. Download the Journal (pdf
3.22MB) |
The Romanian
Journal of
European Studies No.7-8/2009 ISSN 1 5 8
3 - 1 9 9 X Considering the lack of
a scientific journal devoted to migration and mobility, The Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence within the West
University of Timisoara published a
special issue on migration and mobility: South-Eastern Europe and the European Migration System. East-West Mobility in Flux Guest
Editor: Dr. Paolo Ruspini, Contents 1. Foreword / Grigore Silaşi 2. Editorial / Paolo Ruspini 3. The Evolution
of the European Migration System in light of the North-American Experience / Paolo
Ruspini Part I - Patterns of South-Eastern European Migration in
Historical and Comparative Perspective 4. The New
Migratory Routes of Europe? Polish and Romanian Emigrations in a Comparative
Historical Perspective / Aurore Flipo 5. Italy –
Albania. The Migrant as a Bridge Between Two Homelands: The Role of
Remittances / Eralba Çela,
Eros Moretti, Eniel Ninka 6. A Critical
Discussion of the Motivations to Remit in Albania and Moldova / Jessica
Hagen-Zanker, Melissa Siegel Part II – Migration, Asylum and European Integration:
Experiences of Central and South-Eastern European Countries 7. Migration
Policy and Immigrants in the Czech Labour Market / Eva
Janska 8. Hungary at
Crossroads / Áron Kincses, Mary Redei 9. Building
“Fortress Europe”: Europeanization of Asylum Policy in Turkey / Nurcan Özgur Baklacıoglu Part III – New Approaches to the Enlarging European
Migration Space 10. The EU Visa Liberalisation Process for Western Balkan Countries as a
Reflection of the Politics of Modernity / Sanja
Ivic 11. The Quest for
Talent: EU Policies towards the “Brain-drain” Phenomenon / Eugeniu Burdelnii 12. Right to Refuse. Choices of
Sovereign States in Transforming Migration Scenarios / Oudekki
Loone |
For previous issues on migration and
mobility, click here The
electronic papers are largely distributed on open access web directories /
libraries such MPRA, RePEc, SSRN or Archive of European Integration (AEI), for a wider dissemination
of the scientific information. The authors are encouraged to freely post the
papers on personal / professional / institutional webpage(s). Printed copies
are sent to major university libraries and research centres in the region and
from European Union, Japan and USA. For more information about printed
copies, please contact the publishing house of The West University of Timişoara (UVT) and/or the Eugen Todoran Central University
Library of UVT.
4, Bvd. Vasile Pârvan,
300223 Timişoara, Timiş, România, Phone:
+40-256-592.395, Phone/Fax +40-256-592.253. |
Universitatea de
Vest din Timişoara Centrul
European de Excelenţă « Jean Monnet » The Romanian Journal of European Studies -
Secretariatul Colegiului Editorial B-dul
Vasile Pârvan nr.4, Camera 506; Timişoara
300223, Timiş, România |
© Ovidiu SIMINA,